This year, the popular ABC series The Bachelor ran a four-episode spin-off of the show that ran in conjunction with the Winter Olympics. “The Bachelor Winter Games” is an international couple competition that had the perfect setting: a snowy Vermont ski resort called the Hermitage Club. The Hermitage Club is a luxurious 1,400-acre community of private residences located in the Green Mountains. Here, the contestants were able to go hot-tubbing, snow tubing, and, of course, skiing.
The Bachelor Winter Games Contestants
“‘The Bachelor Winter Games’ will unite the all-star cast at the Hermitage Club winter resort, where they will go head-to-head in winter-themed athletic challenges, including the toughest sport of all – love.”
– Malory Carra – Bustle
Amongst the gorgeous snow drifted hills sits the main clubhouse of the Hermitage Club where the infamous Rose Ceremony of “The Bachelor Winter Games” took place. All the contestants stood anxiously in front of the largest wood burning fireplace in Vermont. This impressive, four-sided, gorgeous fireplace was the settings’ focal point for the finale of the spin-off.
The Bachelor Winter Games Rose Ceremony
This amazing fireplace is the perfect centerpiece to mirror this over-the-top ski resort. With massive doors on all sides that stand over 5’ tall and 5’ wide, this fireplace was sure to leave an impression on even the most discerning couples. The crackling from 10’ logs burning inside set the perfect romantic atmosphere for the Rose Ceremony. And, although many other spaces that were used to film the hit show were redecorated to the point of being nearly unrecognizable, the main lodge where the fireplace is featured remained essentially untouched. Save for a few Winter-Olympic-style lighting features.
The Hermitage Club House
Although the roses have been given to the winning couple and the camera crews have since cleared out, you can relive your guilty pleasure by spending the weekend at the now-famous resort yourself! Sit at the bar where the stars from The Winter Games drank the Hermitage’s signature cocktails. Ski the immaculate snow slopes of the Vermont mountains. Or, reenact your own Rose Ceremony with the love of your life in front of the gorgeous Acucraft wood fireplace.
Acucraft’s Largest Wood Burning Fireplace – The Hermitage Club
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